What is 

mechaniQ is the most innovative brand of professional automotive maintenance and repair facilities to evolve from Ontario’s automotive aftermarket in the past 3 decades.
We established mechaniQ Partners so that high-performing entrepreneurs could unite under a common brand and vision; to professionalize the automotive service industry and enhance our value with consumers in today’s marketplace.
By uniting together under a brand that is fresh and symbolizes professionalism, and by delivering a uniQue and technically advanced client experience, we will collaboratively reshape the industry in a way that has not been realized before.

We will
Help you with:
- Increase Sales
- Scale your business
- Acquire profitable stores
- Cash Flow / Profit headaches
- Manage Google reviews
- Payroll
- Marketing
- Training
- Strategic Planning
- IT, Privacy, Cybersecurity
- Maximize your exit strategy with higher than normal industry multiple