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Uniting Together to Professionalize Our Industry


What is

mechaniQ is the most innovative brand of professional automotive maintenance and repair facilities to evolve from Ontario’s automotive aftermarket in the past 3 decades.

We established mechaniQ Partners so that high-performing entrepreneurs could unite under a common brand and vision; to professionalize the automotive service industry and enhance our value with consumers in today’s marketplace.

By uniting together under a brand that is fresh and symbolizes professionalism, and by delivering a uniQue and technically advanced client experience, we will collaboratively reshape the industry in a way that has not been realized before.


We will

Help you with:

  • Increase Sales
  • Scale your business
  • Acquire profitable stores
  • Cash Flow / Profit headaches
  • Manage Google reviews
  • Payroll
  • Marketing
  • Training
  • Strategic Planning
  • IT, Privacy, Cybersecurity
  • Maximize your exit strategy with higher than normal industry multiple

Who is

Each mechaniQ location is owned and operated by families in your comunity. Each Partner goes through a screening process to ensure they align with our collective core values: Trust, Respect, Empowerment, Pride of Ownership and Passion. This is the way of maintaining brand consistency.

Our Partenrs are both veterans of the auto industry and newcomer entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to build wealth for their families.

Read some of their stories here:

[vc_carousel_father speed=”3000″ dotclr=”#f26c3e”][vc_carousel_son align=”left” btn_visibility=”show” btn_height=”30px” btn_width=”50px” btn_border=”0px” btn_border_style=”” title=”Michael Rocha” titleclr=”#ffffff” btn_text=”READ MORE” btn_url=”” btn_clr=”#ffffff” btn_bg=”#f26c3e” image_id=”2515″]

mechaniQ Partner

I grew up in Mississauga in Applewood Acres. I was always into cars as a kid. I was fascinated about how they worked and I loved fixing them. I know some mechanics got into the trade because they grew up fixing cars with their Dad.

That wasn’t the case with me. I was the first one in my family to be mechanical. It just came naturally.

[/vc_carousel_son][vc_carousel_son align=”left” btn_visibility=”show” btn_height=”30px” btn_width=”50px” btn_border=”0px” btn_border_style=”” title=”Clint Giles” titleclr=”#ffffff” btn_text=”READ MORE” btn_url=”” btn_clr=”#ffffff” btn_bg=”#f26c3e” image_id=”2501″]

mechaniQ Partner

I’ve always had a passion for cars from a very young age. I remember helping my father work on our vehicle in the driveway. As I got older, I helped restore a few muscle cars with him. I have been in the automotive industry for over 35 years. The majority of those years being inside the same shop I now own as a mechaniQ Partner.

I started my automotive career at a dealership at the age of 14. I began cleaning the shop and detailing new and used cars before delivery. When I got my driver’s license, I already had two cars in the driveway ready to go. I couldn’t wait to feel the freedom of driving something that I worked so hard to get. That is where my passion really took hold.[/vc_carousel_son][vc_carousel_son align=”left” btn_visibility=”show” btn_height=”30px” btn_width=”50px” btn_border=”0px” btn_border_style=”” image_id=”2503″ title=”Jon Etkin” titleclr=”#ffffff” btn_text=”READ MORE” btn_url=”” btn_clr=”#ffffff” btn_bg=”#f26c3e”]

mechaniQ Partner

To be honest, I didn’t know the first thing about cars. I didn’t even know how to change my own oil. But I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. I have a lot of confidence in myself. I’m willing to work hard and I communicate well with people. So although owning an auto repair business was something new to me, I just needed to apply my skillset to this new venture.

When I was 18, I started working in the fitness industry. I have a passion for how the body works and how you can maximize on its performance by treating it a certain way. I see a lot of similarities between the human body and cars. It’s all mechanical systems. As long as you treat both well, they will last you a long time.[/vc_carousel_son][/vc_carousel_father]

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